Story-time of Hog head scare! This is a true story about me running out of my grandma's kitchen after seeing a hog head on the table. My grandmother would always bake a pound cake every weekend and place it on the dining table for everyone to enjoy. No matter what holiday or the time of the year; there was a variety of cakes to come home to eat after school. Yellow pound cake My grandma’s cakes were so contagious that I would make several trips a day. In fact I wanted to be the first to get a slice of a fresh baked pound cake before anyone else. Imagine entering into a quiet country hot steaming kitchen, nothing but the aroma of vanilla flavor tickling your nose like a sweet perfume guiding you to enter and eat until your heart's desire. Yellow pound cake with white chocolate After gobbling down I slice, I noticed something on the table as I lifted up the silver cake cover one more time. My eyes did not deceive me, ...